Strong architecture needs fantastic interior design to complement it. Our role as interior designers is to enhance internal spaces and extend the outer concept inside while improving users' enjoyment and health. Interior design is about creating aesthetically pleasing spaces while optimizing their use and enhancing users' wellbeing and comfort. We analyze ergonomics, daily and occasional use, views, thermal and acoustic comfort, humidity, airflow, etc. to create the optimal balance that provides the highest personal comfort to all occupants.

At Pantic Architects, we have worked on many interior designs, from private flats and houses, through interiors for corporate offices, banking interior spaces, shops, restaurants, to airports, national assembly and even the state house. Understanding the users' needs and addressing them well is our prime goal while creating a unique, authentic experience for each different interior ambient.

The best interior designer has a prime role in creating the experience of space on a very intimate level and dramatically improves and shapes how a building is used, lived in, and experienced. At Pantic architects, we strive to push the boundaries with every project, technological evolution and social change.